Every business needs clients and customers to succeed. However, forming and maintaining those relationships is easier said than done. While your business probably has customer service standards in place for answering emails and Facebook messages, it’s easy to forget about the most traditional method of communication—the telephone. Can your business afford to miss a phone call?

What Happens When You Miss a Phone Call? 

If a customer calls your phone and doesn’t receive an answer, there is an 85% chance that they will never call back again. 75% of the customers who do not reach a person on the other end also won’t leave a voicemail for you to call back. This makes your customers frustrated and feel unheard, even if they were just calling to have a simple question answered. It also makes your business appear less professional and legitimate, especially if your voicemail box is absent or full. Missing a phone call reflects on your attitude towards customer service and the quality of your product.

Why Are You Missing Calls? 

The most common reasons why small business owners miss calls include:

  • Insufficient staff to answer the phones
  • Too many calls for the number of phone lines and staff
  • You prioritize digital customer service over phone-based customer service
  • A customer calls after business hours
  • Your staff are too focused on other issues and priorities

If you are missing calls at your business, you should consider hiring a virtual answering service to take the job off of your plate.

Phone Calls Still Matter 

Still not convinced that missing a phone call is a big deal? Even in the age of social media, a whopping 80% of business communications still take place over the phone. If clients don’t get their call answered, they are also very likely to take business elsewhere. Over 70% of customers will take business elsewhere if initial customer service is not up to par, and 60% will take their money to one of your direct competitors. Can you afford to lose 7 in 10 customers who call your business?

Never Miss a Phone Call with My Admin Co 

My Admin Co understands how hard it is to juggle running a small business with playing receptionist. That’s why we offer convenient and affordable administrative services, including answering service. To learn more about our services and take administrative tasks off of your plate, visit us online or call us today at (410) 324-3934.