Email marketing remains one of the best, most cost-effective ways to get in touch with your target audience. Despite its longevity and familiarity, however, many companies make small mistakes that lead to ineffective email marketing. What are some of the rules that every company should follow when connecting with their customers via email?

5 Rules to Stick to in Your Email Marketing

  1. A Good List Is Better Than a Big List: Bigger might be better in some areas of marketing, but email marketing isn’t one of them. A high-quality list of audience members who are actually interested in your brand is far more useful than a large list with low engagement. Remember that quality addresses are infinitely more valuable than a large quantity of addresses.
  2. Be Consistent: Email marketing is a journey and not just a one-time endeavor. Instead of sending one email, looking at the results and calling it a day, work with a company like My Content Co to develop high-value, consistent emails. Over time, you will see what types of content your audience responds to and be able to hone your marketing efforts even more.
  3. Put a Call to Action Above the Fold: If you have a specific goal you are trying to meet by sending an email, make sure that your call to action appears at least once above the fold. If someone needs to scroll all the way to the bottom to find the appointment booking button, there’s a good chance they will never make it there.
  4. Track It: Did you know that you can use trackable links to see how many people are engaging with content in your emails? While every part of your email does not necessarily need to be tracked, using tracking to see how people are interacting with your emails can be very illuminating.
  5.  Don’t Forget Your Contact Info: You’d be surprised to see how many companies tell the reader to call or email them but forget to include the relevant information. Check your email to make sure that it has valid links, includes contact information and has updated store hours and information.

Make Email Marketing Easy with My Content Co

My Content Co knows how to create relevant, engaging and timely digital content, just like you know how to grow your small business. We specialize in creating websites, blogs, social media posts and newsletters that are consistent with your brand. Partner with us to get your customers reading your blog. Visit us online or contact us today at 410-324-3934 to get started.